Unless your cat has been drinking from the Holy Grail with Indiana Jones, she’s eventually going to start experiencing symptoms of ageing, including less mobility, less energy and painful joints. Just as humans can turn to nutritional supplements to help reduce these symptoms, so too can our cats. SeaFlex is a health supplement for cats that helps them maintain their vitality and mobility. Packed full of antioxidants, marine carotenoids, amino acids, and high levels of vitamins and minerals, SeaFlex will help to put the flounce back in their pounce. Product details
Sea Chondroitin 270mg, Glucosamine HCL 75mg, catnip, de-boned chicken, dried cheddar cheese, eggs, fish, honey, gelatin, glycerin, mixed tocopherols, phosphoric acid, potassium sorbate, salt, starch, soy flour, taurine, wheat flour, whole dried, yeast.
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