Jumbo Pets

Jumbo Pets
27 Badgally Rd, Campbelltown, 2560, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: 1300 906 146
Fax: (02) 8079 1138
Email: orders@jumbopets.com

URL: http://www.jumbopets.com.au/https://www.jumbopets.com.au/dog-healthcare/

Dog Healthcare

It is the responsibility of the pet owner to keep their dogs healthy. Jumbo Pets has everything you need when it comes to pet healthcare right at your fingertips. Just browse our website and find the product you need to keep your dog healthy and strong. Discover collars, pills, and other products that are designed to do everything from get rid of fleas, worms, and ticks to improving joint health. All products found at Jumbo Pets are from well-known brands, such as Comfortis™, Advantix®, Advocate®, Bayer, and Capstar™, which are known and trusted by pet owners all over Australia.

  SKU Product Our price
DHAP00003 Aristopet Home and Garden Repellent Spray $33.99
inc. GST 10%
DHAP00010 Aristopet Spot-on Treatment for Dogs 10-25kg $46.95
inc. GST 10%
DHAP00014 Aristopet Spot-on Treatment for Dogs 4-10kg $39.95
inc. GST 10%
DHAP00013 Aristopet Spot-on Treatment for Dogs over 25kg $86.96
inc. GST 10%
DHAP00009 Aristopet Spot-on Treatment for Puppies and Small Dogs up to 4kg $64.96
inc. GST 10%
DHIM00001 Austrazole Fungicide Wash $48.95
inc. GST 10%
DHBR10111 Bravecto Large 20-40kg Blue Dog 1 Month Chew Treatment $19.95
inc. GST 10%
DHBR10115 Bravecto Large 20-40kg Blue Dog Chew Treatment $86.96
inc. GST 10%
DHBR10109 Bravecto Large 20-40kg Blue Spot On Treatment $84.95
inc. GST 10%
DHBR10112 Bravecto Medium 10-20kg Green Dog 1 Month Chew Treatment $19.95
inc. GST 10%
DHBR10103 Bravecto Medium 10-20kg Green Dog Chew Treatment $49.95
inc. GST 10%
DHBR10108 Bravecto Medium 10-20kg Green Spot On Treatment $79.95
inc. GST 10%
DHBR10113 Bravecto Small 4.5-10kg Orange Dog 1 Month Chew Treatment $19.95
inc. GST 10%
DHBR010102 Bravecto Small 4.5-10kg Orange Dog Chew Treatment $49.95
inc. GST 10%
DHBR10107 Bravecto Small 4.5-10kg Orange Spot On Treatment $82.95
inc. GST 10%
DHBR10119 Bravecto Very Large 40-56kg Pink Dog Chew Treatment $86.96
inc. GST 10%
DHBR10110 Bravecto Very Large 40-56kg Pink Spot On Treatment $89.95
inc. GST 10%
DHBR10114 Bravecto Very Small 2-4.5kg Yellow Dog 1 Month Chew Treatment $19.95
inc. GST 10%
DHBR10101 Bravecto Very Small 2-4.5kg Yellow Dog Chew Treatment $49.95
inc. GST 10%
DHBR10106 Bravecto Very Small 2-4.5kg Yellow Spot On Treatment $88.95
inc. GST 10%
DHCA10106 Capstar for Cats and Small Dogs 0.5-11kg $24.95
inc. GST 10%
DHCA10107 Capstar Large Dogs Over 11kg $28.95
inc. GST 10%
DHCO11055 Comfortis Plus Blue 18.1-27kg $104.98
inc. GST 10%
DHCO11057 Comfortis Plus Brown 27.1-54kg $129.95
inc. GST 10%